GET api/Navigator/Category

GET api/Navigator/Category/Subcategory

GET api/Navigator/Subcategory/{id}

GET api/Navigator/ProductNavigatorList

Returns list of navigation URL list for the constructuction of navigation menu.

GET api/Navigator/Category/Newproducts

Returns list of new product category list.

GET api/Navigator/Category/Deals/{guid}

Returns list deal menu item.

GET api/Navigator/Category/Newproducts/{id}

Returns list of sub category list of new product.

GET api/Navigator/Category/GetDealType/{id}

GET api/Navigator/Category/Get3levelCategory/{step}/{guid}

GET api/Navigator/Category/Get3levelCategoryByURLSegment/{step}/{urlSegment}

GET api/Navigator/Category/Deals

GET api/Navigator/GetDeepLinkingApp?path={path}&boostids={boostids}

No documentation available.


PATCH api/MyAccount/RecoverPassword

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-6326; This method is calling for recovery password before logged in to system.

PATCH api/MyAccount/ForgotPassword?expand={expand}

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-6326; This method is calling for reset password of user before logged in to system.

GET api/MyAccount/Orders

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-8115;ADINA-9418 This method is calling for getting all Orders/Quotes for logged in user

GET api/MyAccount/Orders/{Number}/{FunctionType}/{Suffix}?expand={expand}

Module : My Account; BE JIRA : ADINA-8092;ADINA-9418 This method is calling for getting individual Order/Quote information

POST api/MyAccount/ProjectQuote

Module : My Account - Project Quote; BE JIRA: ADINA-10115; This method is calling for when user change qty. when project quote submission

GET api/MyAccount/Search?query={query}

GET api/MyAccount/SearchAutocomplete?query={query}

PATCH api/MyAccount/Shopmybranch

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-7242;ADINA-7471;ADINA-10156; This method is calling for Shop my branch drill down in Branch card for Home page.

GET api/MyAccount/MonthlySalesFlyer

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-6500; Returns monthly sales flyer banner and PDF document

GET api/MyAccount/GetAccountBillTo

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-8409; Returns my account and ship to

GET api/MyAccount/sessions/current

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-8409; Gets a current object for My Account

GET api/MyAccount/wishlists/{wishListGuid}

Module : My Account - My Lists; BE JIRA: ADINA-8408; Returns details for the specified wishlist id

PATCH api/MyAccount/wishlists/{wishListGuid}/wishlistlines/{lineItemGuid}

Module : My Account - My Lists; BE JIRA: ADINA-8408; Updates product count within a list

DELETE api/MyAccount/wishlists/{wishListGuid}/wishlistlines/{lineItemGuid}

Module : My Account - My Lists; BE JIRA: ADINA-8408; Deletes a product from the specified wishlist id

DELETE api/MyAccount/wishlists/{wishListGuid}

Module : My Account - My Lists; BE JIRA: ADINA-8408; Deletes the whole list for specified wishlist id

POST api/MyAccount/wishlists/{wishListGuid}/wishlistlines/batch

Module : My Account - My Lists; BE JIRA: ADINA-8408; Renames the specified wishlist. The properties array should be provided like {"name":"RENAMED TWO ","newname":"Renamed 444"}

POST api/MyAccount/CreateWishlist

Module : Product(PDP); BE JIRA: ADINA-7528; This method is calling for creating new wish list in PDP

POST api/MyAccount/CreateSaveForLater

Module : Product(PDP); BE JIRA: ADINA-7528; This method is calling for creating new wish list in PDP

POST api/MyAccount/addtowishlist?id={id}

Module : Product(PDP); BE JIRA: ADINA-7108; This method is calling for add product to wish list in PDP

GET api/MyAccount/Getwishlist

Module : Product(PDP); BE JIRA: ADINA-7108; This method is calling for Getting all the existing wish list in PDP

GET api/MyAccount/GetSaveForLaterId

Module : Save For Later; BE JIRA: ADINA-8408; This method is calling for Getting save for later list

GET api/MyAccount/GetSaveForLater

Module : Save For Later; BE JIRA: ADINA-8408; This method is calling for Getting save for later list

POST api/MyAccount/AddToSaveForLater

Module : Save For Later; BE JIRA: ADINA-8408; Add a product to save for later list

DELETE api/MyAccount/saveforlater/{wishListGuid}/lineitem/{lineItemGuid}

Module : My Account - My Lists; BE JIRA: ADINA-8408; Deletes a product from the specified wishlist id

GET api/MyAccount/DCLeftNav

Module : My Branch ADINA-7071 Home - Shop My Branch Search toggle switch and Prefiltered PLP Gets all the left hand navigation items like category, brand for shop my branch module

PATCH api/MyAccount/sessions/current

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-8727; Changes Current My Account and Ship To address

GET api/MyAccount/accounts/current

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-9275 Gets a current object for My Account

GET api/MyAccount/PickUpNotification/Get

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-10370 Pickup Notification Get for My Account

POST api/MyAccount/PickupNotification/Update

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-10370 Pickup Notification Update for My Account

DELETE api/MyAccount/sessions/current

Module : My Account - SignOut; BE JIRA: ADINA-10429; Deletes the user from current session

POST api/MyAccount/SubmitRequestQuote

Module : Quote; Creat a new request quote


GET api/Products/GetCatgories?urlSegment={urlSegment}

GET api/Products/GetProductsByErpNumbers?query={query}

Module : Product; BE JIRA: Banner; This method is calling for PLP page loading.

GET api/Products/GetBannerProducts?query={query}

Returns list of product based on the query string.

GET api/Products/GetProducts?categoryId={categoryId}&pageSize={pageSize}&sort={sort}&page={page}&boostIds={boostIds}&searchWithin={searchWithin}&includeSuggestions={includeSuggestions}&pathURL={pathURL}&expand={expand}&query={query}&attributeValueIds={attributeValueIds}&hasMarketingTileContent={hasMarketingTileContent}&getAllAttributeFacets={getAllAttributeFacets}&includeAttributes={includeAttributes}&previouslyPurchasedProducts={previouslyPurchasedProducts}&stockedItemsOnly={stockedItemsOnly}&applyPersonalization={applyPersonalization}&includeAlternateInventory={includeAlternateInventory}&IncludeOnProduct={IncludeOnProduct}&makeBrandUrls={makeBrandUrls}

Module : Product; BE JIRA: ADINA-6860;ADINA-6901; This method is calling for PLP page loading.

GET api/Products/getCWBABproducts

BE JIRA ADINA-7539 Getting the Customer who brought also brought this Products

GET api/Products/GetrecentlyViewedProducts

ADINA- 7540 /api/Products/GetrecentlyViewedProducts?ProductIds=b81c9cae-e511-eb11-a82a-000d3a7a69da,b81c9cae-e511-eb11-a82a-000d3a7a69da

GET api/Products/GetSimilarProducts

ADINA- 7541 ///api/Products/GetrelatedProducts?ErpNumber=DE-MS2049SC&categoryId=79538107-f298-4616-9582-a8720105764e

PATCH api/Products/GetBundleProducts

Module : Product; ADINA-7470 This method is called to get frequently bought products

POST api/Products/CreateWishlist

Module : Product(PDP); BE JIRA: ADINA-7528; This method is calling for creating new wish list in PDP

POST api/Products/addtowishlist?id={id}

Module : Product(PDP); BE JIRA: ADINA-7108; This method is calling for add product to wish list in PDP

GET api/Products/Getwishlist

Module : Product(PDP); BE JIRA: ADINA-7108; This method is calling for Getting all the existing wish list in PDP

GET api/Products/GetProductDetails/{ProductID}?expand={expand}&categoryid={categoryid}

Module : Product(PDP); BE JIRA: ADINA-7564; Gets a particular product by Guid along with Overview, Specifications, Thumbnails, User Manual etc

GET api/Products/GetProductFreeDeliveryAndPickup?productPrice={productPrice}

Module : Product(PDP); BE JIRA: ADINA-7105; Gets a particular product by Guid along with Overview, Specifications, Thumbnails, User Manual etc

GET api/Products/GetProductFromBarcode

Module : Product; BE JIRA: ADINA-8014; This method is called for getting products after scanning a barcode

POST api/Products/Puddles

Module : Product; ADINA-7533 This method is called to get puddle information for stock availability

POST api/Products/GetEstimatedArrivalDate

Module : Product; ADINA-9071 This method is called to get puddle estimated arrival date of product including Zip Code

POST api/Products/GetPuddleStockAvailability

Module : Product; ADINA-7460 This method is called to get the Product stock availability information

GET api/Products/GetProductErpNumber

Module : Product; This method is calling for Quote.

GET api/Product?threasholdamnt={threasholdamnt}


GET api/Dealer/FindLocations?Latitude={Latitude}&Longitude={Longitude}

GET api/Dealer/SearchBranch?Address={Address}&StartPage={StartPage}

POST api/Dealer/GetDealers?Address={Address}&StartPage={StartPage}

POST api/Banner/UploadFile

Upload a file.

GET api/Banner/BannerType

Returns the list of module banner

GET api/Banner/BannerList?bannerType={bannerType}&Description={Description}&StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate}&status={status}

Returns the list of module banner

GET api/Banner/Banner/{guid}

Returns the list of module banner

POST api/Banner/AddBanner

Add banner

PATCH api/Banner/UpdateBanner

Update banner

DELETE api/Banner/RemoveBanner/{id}

Remove banner

POST api/Banner/ValidateContentUrlForJson

ADINA-10303 - Admin Tool To validate the Admin Tool Static content file exists

GET api/Banner/ValidateUrlForJson

No documentation available.

POST api/Banner/ValidateActionURL

Get Banner action URL


GET api/Home/MessagingCard

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: ADINA- ; This method is calling for Messaging card loading in Home page.

GET api/Home/GetAppVersion

BE JIRA: ADINA-11332 ; This method is calling for Getting the Versions for app update

GET api/Home/GetAppVersion?actualAppVersion={actualAppVersion}

BE JIRA: ADINA-11332 ; This method is calling for Getting the Versions for app update

GET api/Home/SponsoredProducts

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-6504; This method is calling for sponsored products card loading in Home screen.

GET api/Home/FeaturedProducts

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-7463; This method is calling for Featured products card loading in Home screen.

GET api/Home/DealersToolBox

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: NAXXXX ; FE JIRA: NAXXXX; Description: Gets the DealerToolBox for Home screen.

GET api/Home/DealersToolBox?version={version}

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: NAXXXX ; FE JIRA: NAXXXX; Description: Gets the DealerToolBox for Home screen.

GET api/Home/StaticContent?title={title}

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: ADINA-6900 ; Description: Gets the static content.

GET api/Home/DealsTabBanner?title={title}

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: ADINA-9542 ; Description: Gets the banner content for Deals tab.

GET api/Home/GetClearanceZoneBanner

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: ADINA-7234 ; Description: Gets the deal center banner for the Home page.

POST api/Home/GetOrderStatusCard

GET api/Home/DealersToolBox/{title}

GET api/Home/GetHotDeal

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: NAXXXX ; FE JIRA: NAXXXX; Description: Gets the Hot Deal for Home screen.

POST api/Home/SendEmail

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: ADINA-9513 ; Description: Email sending to ADI Global inbox using SMTP[Simple Mail Transfer Protocal].

GET api/Home/GetHotDealBanner

GET api/Home/GetTopCategory

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: NAXXXX ; FE JIRA: NAXXXX; Description: Gets the Top Category for Home screen.

GET api/Home/GetSubCategory?path={path}

GET api/Home/ProductById?erpNumbers={erpNumbers}

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-6504; This method is calling for Featured product Navigation.

GET api/Home/MyBranch

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-6966; This method is calling for loading Branch card in Home page.

GET api/Home/DealOfDay

Returns deal of the day.

GET api/Home/BannerCarousel

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-6508; This method is calling for loading Marketing Banner carousel in Home page.

GET api/Home/MiniBanner

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-7578; This method is called for loading Mini Banner in Home page.

GET api/Home/MarketingBanner

GET api/Home/GetFeaturedProducts

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-10108 This method is called for loading Featured Product Banner in Home page.

GET api/Home/GetSponsoredProducts

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-10108 This method is called for loading Sponsored Product Banner in Home page.

GET api/Home/GetAdminCustomizedBanner1

Module : Home; Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-10109 This method is called to get the Customized Banner Top image.

GET api/Home/GetAdminCustomizedBanner2

Module : Home; BE JIRA: ADINA-10109 This method is called to get the Customized Banner Bottom image.

GET api/Home/GetCustomBanner

GET api/Home/GetAdiExclusiveCarousel


POST api/Inventory/Get

This method returns the product inventory for check availability


GET api/WebSite/GetAllStates?CountryID={CountryID}

Module : Global Data; BE JIRA: ADINA-8309; This method is called for getting all the states based on Country.

GET api/WebSite/GetDealer/{dealerName}

This methods return Dealer data when API is called with correct dealer name.


POST api/Checkout/CreateAlternateShip

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-7985; This method is called for Creating alternate shipping address in checkout page.

PATCH api/Checkout/EditOrDeleteAlternateShip

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-7985; This method is called for editing/removing alternate shipping address in checkout page.

GET api/Checkout/GetAlternateShips?expand={expand}&page={page}&pagesize={pagesize}&CurrentBillToId={CurrentBillToId}

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-7985; This method is called for getting all alternate shipping addresses.

GET api/Checkout/GetShippingMethods?shippingWeights={shippingWeights}&hasShipLTL={hasShipLTL}&orderTotal={orderTotal}&address1={address1}&address2={address2}&city={city}&state={state}&postalCode={postalCode}&branchCode={branchCode}&cannotShipAir={cannotShipAir}

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-7982; This method is called for getting all the shipping methods.

GET api/Checkout/GetPaymentMethods?adiLocker={adiLocker}

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-7829; Gets the applicable Payment Methods like Bill this Order, CC.

GET api/Checkout/SavedCreditCards

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-8118; Gets the list of credit cards for the logged in user.

GET api/Checkout/SavedCreditCards/v2

No documentation available.

GET api/Checkout/getAccessToken

POST api/Checkout/AddCreditCard

POST api/Checkout/SendCCtoGateway

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-9508 Add new CC with 2 steps step 1 - Send full credit card details to payment gateway.

PATCH api/Checkout/UpdateCreditCard

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-8118; Update credit card details - only the expiry date can be updated.

DELETE api/Checkout/DeleteCreditCard

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-8118; Delete credit card details

GET api/Checkout/AcceptQuote/{QuoteId}?expand={expand}

Module : Checkout; BE JIRA: ADINA-10065; Regular quote submission from quote to checkout page


GET api/carts/current?expand={expand}

ADINA-7831: Gets the cart line items and shipping details

GET api/carts/GetOrderConfirmation/{ID}?expand={expand}

Module : My Orders; BE JIRA: ADINA-8321;ADINA-9113 This method is calling for getting order confirmation Info

POST api/carts/current/cartlines

ADINA-8116:Adds a product item to shopping cart

PATCH api/carts/current/cartlines

ADINA-8116: To update a cart line item count from the cart page

DELETE api/carts/current/cartlines/{lineItemId}

ADINA-8116: Removes a cart line item from shopping cart

PATCH api/carts/current

Module : Cart; BE JIRA: ADINA-8117; This method is called for checkout modifications/Place order submission.

POST api/carts/Promotions

Get the Promotions after applying promo code

POST api/carts/current/cartlines/batch

ADINA-8408:Adds multiple product items from wishlist to shopping cart

GET api/carts/OrderSummaryDisclaimer

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: ADINA-8683 ; Description: Gets the static content for order summary disclaimer.

PATCH api/carts/Placeorder/{CartId}

Module : Cart; BE JIRA: ADINA-10065; Place order for Quotes

PATCH api/carts/UpdateQuote/{CartId}

Module : Cart; BE JIRA: ADINA-10065; Place order for Quotes

DELETE api/carts/DeleteItensCart

Route for delete all itens on the cart


This API class handles ADI webinars

GET api/Content/Webinars

Returns list of webinars with banner image and past webinar link


GET api/Brand/Brands/{guid}

GET api/Brand/page/{guid}/{pageIndex}/{pageSize}

GET api/Brand/page/{guid}/{pageIndex}

GET api/Brand/Brands/{guid}/{startAlpha}


GET api/Courier/GetShipmentStatus

Module : My Account; BE JIRA: ADINA-11173 and ADINA-11174; Get tracking details from UPS/FedEx by passing trackingNumber in query param format: api/courier/GetShipmentStatus?deliveryMethod=fdxtrackingNumber=783841660216


Operations for User Identity

POST api/Identity/UserIdentity

PATCH api/Identity/ForceResetPassword

PATCH api/Identity/CheckResetPasswordLink

Check the validity of password link.

GET api/Identity/TermsAndConditions

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: ADINA-10748 ; Description: Gets the static content for Terms and Conditions.

GET api/Identity/TermsAndConditions/{version}

Module : Home ; BE JIRA: ADINA-10748 ; Description: Gets the static content for Terms and Conditions.